Pictures of George

Here are some photos of George. Later, we will have photos of George's Friends. 
Enjoy the cuteness! 
Look at my laptop. If you look closely you'll see me on T.V.

 I'm sleepy
 look how big my mouth is!!!
 Still open... Yawn ...
hey my socks is gone. Give it back!!!
                                                            Check out my new  iPod!
                                                   What is this thing?!
Leave me alone

Here is Some pictures of George and his best friend, Camilla.

Your snout is pretty Camilla

I'm not gonna look at you camera 

You forgot our heads!

I look cute

Where did George go?

 I'm still not looking at you!
Our collars are connected! 

I'm no trash!

 I'm not a cat
It's so sunny today

Really sunny!

Get me out of the sun!!!

Does this thing really work?

does it work here?

Hmmm I don't think so.

King George

George the Alien 

I never knew my head was this BIG